Never Out of Style: Timeless Flooring Options

Discover timeless flooring options that will never go out of style. From hardwood to travertine to marble mosaic tiles, find out which materials will stand the test of time.

Never Out of Style: Timeless Flooring Options

When it comes to flooring, there are certain materials that will never go out of style. Hardwood floors are a classic choice that can be repainted over time, rather than replaced. Travertine is another natural stone that has proven to stand the test of time, with its color variation allowing it to have a worn look and resist stains. Limestone is also a great option, but it is more porous and not recommended for humid conditions.

Medium-toned wood is the classic choice for hardwood, while plain floors are also elegant and classic. Textured finishes are becoming increasingly popular, with gray or white washed floors trending right now, as well as tilting wooden floors and hand-scraped wood for a worn but modern look. Tile, hardwood, laminate, or plywood are all hard-surfaced floors that can be noisy on the second floor. The right subfloor can help reduce noise and you can cover the floor with a large carpet to further control the sound.

Marble mosaic tiles and pale beige carpets are also simple options that will stand the test of time. American-made floors are sustainably manufactured and constantly innovating to provide you with the latest trends and the most advanced flooring technology. If chafing, knots and even intentional burns occur, the worn textures of the floors are designed to give character to the floor.