The Advantages of Installing Wooden Flooring

Discover the advantages of installing wooden flooring in your home. Learn how easy it is to clean and maintain, and how it can last for years.

The Advantages of Installing Wooden Flooring

Wooden flooring is a classic and sophisticated addition to any home. Not only does it add a touch of luxury, but it is also incredibly durable and easy to maintain. This makes it a cost-effective flooring option that can last for years. Moreover, wooden floors are safer for your home as they do not emit hazardous chemicals like formaldehyde. Cleaning wooden floors is relatively simple compared to carpets, as they don't accumulate dirt, dust and debris in the same way.

A simple cloth with one of our recommended Bona cleaners is all you need to keep your wooden floors looking their best. For more detailed instructions, download our specialized care and maintenance guide. Installing wooden floors is also relatively straightforward. Adhesive and grooved floors are easier to install than nailing them, as this requires a wooden subfloor and special tools such as a floor nailer. Engineered floors offer the same advantages of quick installation as laminate floors, with the genuine look and feel of a real wood floor.